Junior Year Abroad Reflection
In preparation for my study-abroad program in Beijing, China, I listened to School Year Abroad (SYA) representatives speak about how fundamental the experience would be in terms of my development as a person. Looking back on it, I realize now that I didn't fully understand the importance of these words. In fact, the idea that I would change drastically within 9 short months seemed rather cliché. Besides, I had participated in study-abroad programs before. Why should this time be any different? This exact question has been on my mind ever since my return to America. Reflecting upon the "why" has helped me come to the conclusion that while my European exchanges have made me who I am, it is the China experience that made me who I wanted to be. When I embarked upon my French-exchange program at age nine, I was just a little girl who thought French food looked good and the idea of having a French sister would be cool. Little did I know that the family who took me i...