
Showing posts from November, 2019

GIP Event: "Disturbed in their Nests"

Polytechnic’s GIP on Monday featured Alepho Deng, acclaimed South Sudanese author who was “welcomed to America in 2001 as one of the Lost Boys of Sudan” and Dr. Joseph Jok, his IRC case worker. Dr. Jok provided a historical perspective of the religious and ethnic conflicts which contributed to the Sudanese Civil War (1987-2005) as well as the ongoing dispute between Sudan and South Sudan over the oil-producing territory of Abyei. Mr. Deng shed light on the experiences addressed in his recent novel, Disturbed in their Nests , which he personally signed for Poly GIP students. He discussed not only the distress of war, but the hardships related to living as a refugee for nine years and being uprooted from his home and country. Mr. Deng’s positive life perspective despite tragedy is inspirational. His credits his ability to overcome challenge to the “power of the mind.” In the author’s words, “Perseverance is a battle with one’s own mind; the key to success is inner-narrative.” As ...

United Nations Day

UNA -Pasadena celebrated United Nations  Day  last week at 626 Golden Streets by raising awareness of this year's theme: “Our Planet, Our Future: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle . ” We set up a booth to educate local communities on how they can take part in reducing emissions by walking or biking, as well as clean air and clean water. The event was well-attended and rewarding: From our booth, we were able to outreach to more than 300 people, and we now have 272 signatures on our "Save the Planet" petition and pledge. The United Nations Association of the USA ( UNA -USA) believes that "our interests and values can best be advanced by standing with the planet’s only truly universal institution: The United Nations. We stand up for the UN so the UN can keep standing up for the world."  Our next mini-Coffee Talk takes place on Wednesday, 11/6 from 5:00-6:30pm . Please come, even if just for a little while, to learn more about the UNA-USA, Pasadena Chapter. Our co...